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Vanessa (she/her)

Founder/Speech Pathologist


(08) 8102 4209


Work Location:

Beulah Park Clinic - 236 Magill Rd, Beulah Park SA 5067

Salisbury Clinic: 62 Park Terrace, Salisbury SA 5108



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A Bit About Me

Vanessa is a founder of Nurture Allied Health SA. She is a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist with a full registration with Speech Pathology Australia. Vanessa completed her Masters of Speech Pathology from Flinders University.

Vanessa believes in using a strengths based, family and child centred, collaborative approach to working with children and aims to implement practices that are respectful, culturally competent, trauma-sensitive and empathetic.


​To address the pressing need for neurodiversity-affirming services and with a deep understanding and passion for inclusivity, Vanessa founded Nurture Allied Health SA. Vanessa recognized the unique challenges faced by individuals with neurodiverse conditions and understood the importance of creating an environment that celebrates and supports their diverse strengths.

With a mission to bridge the gap in accessible and neurodiversity-affirming healthcare, Vanesa established a practice that priorities the unique needs of neurodiverse individuals. By gathering a team of likeminded professionals who embrace a person-centered and neurodiversity affirming approach, Vanessa and the Nurture team ensure that every client receives personalized neurodiversity affirming care and support tailored to their neurotype.


Vanessa enjoys learning more about neurodiversity - especially on how the practice can be a strong ally to neurodivergents and how our clinicians can provide respectful and strength-based services.​ Outside of work, you can find her hanging out with her two children or reading Harry Potter fan fiction.

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Professional Development 

Neurodiversity Affirming Care

Speech Therapy (Pronounication)




Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Autism Identification

Learn Play Thrive - Let's UNMASC

Therapist Neurodiversity Collective - Social Skills 

Therapist Neurodiversity Collective - From Deficits to Differences

Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) - Introductory & Advanced

Dynamic-Temporal Tactile Cueing (DTTC) Training  by Dr. Edythe Strand

ReST training videos by University of Sydney

Practical Strategies and Resources: Your Toolkit for CAS by Jennie Bjorem

Hanen More Than Words®

Hanen It Takes Two to Talk®

DIR Floortime 101- Introductory Course

DIR Floortime 201 - Basic Certification Course

DIR Floortime 202 - Certificate of Proficiency Course

Meaningful Speech - Gestalt Language Processing  

Sounds Write 

AEIOU Approach to Feeding

Liberator LAMP Trainings
Meaningful Speech - AAC for Gestalt Language Processors

Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule™, Second Edition (ADOS-2)

Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum, Second Edition (MIGDAS-2)

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Special Interest Areas

  • Speech Sound Delay/Disorders

  • CAS - Childhood Apraxia of Speech (DTTC, ReST, and Nuffield)

  • Language Delay/Disorders (incl. late talkers)

  • Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)

  • Paediatric Feeding & Swallowing

  • Paediatric & Adult Voice

  • Neurodiversity-affirming approaches around self-advocacy and differences between neurodiverse-neurotypical social communication styles

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